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Refrain, version 1.1.1

Refrain, version 1.1.1

spectactor: I hope the sadness will leave you

spectactor: like clouds

spectactor: who

spectactor: dissolve into rain

spectactor: flow into rivers

spectactor: travel through deltas

spectactor: and arrive

spectactor: in the sea

spectactor: from there

spectactor: they evaporate

spectactor: back

spectactor: into clouds

spectactor: of the sky

spectactor: covering the sun

spectactor: raining shadows

spectactor: upon the ground

spectactor: upon our feet

spectactor: running

spectactor: towards the waves

spectactor: you told us

spectactor: once

spectactor: how water circulates

spectactor: between the oceans

spectactor: the sky

spectactor: and the mountains

spectactor: they asked you

spectactor: once

spectactor: but what about tears?

spectactor: what about

spectactor: these oceans

spectactor: inside us?

spectactor: time is running

spectactor: running into the sea

each of the spectactors takes a deep breath in

and a deep breath out

spectactor: running

every breath is a small wave on a big ocean

crossing time and space

spectactor: running

spectactor: running

the spectactors continue to inhale deeply

on each exhale comes a tone

the spectactors are humming

they hum for as long or as short as they want

in any tone they want

as high or as low as they want

the tones are resonating

like waves on a big ocean

waves that slowly calm down

but never stop moving

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